Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Need Just A Kiss for your Kindle?

It's the release day for Just A Kiss, the 5th book in the Bradfords series--- Kevin's story!!

I know a lot of readers have been waiting eagerly for the book to be out and I LOVE that!  

Unfortunately, Amazon does not have it up for sale yet :(  Samhain has been working on this, other readers have e-mailed Amazon about it... but it just isn't working as quickly as we'd all like.

But Kindle users-- don't despair!  There is an alternative!  As an addicted Kindle user myself I know how fantastic it is to literally click two buttons and have a new book.  Trust me, I'm with you.  But I want to assure you that the alternative only takes a *few* more clicks than that. 

The Samhain store offers ALL e-formats on all their books (along with 30% off on new releases!) so you CAN get the book for your Kindle from Samhain and not have to worry about when Amazon decides to get things ironed out.

I'm going to put the steps here.  Trust me, it's not as intimidating as it looks-- if I can do it, anyone can do it.  No, seriously.

Here we go:

How to download books from Samhain to your Kindle!

1.       Go to the Samhain store:
2.       Find the book you want (search by title, author or just browse).  For instance, Just A Kiss, Erin Nicholas J

3.       Click on the book, go to buy and go through those steps.

4.       Once you’ve bought the book, it will be on your Bookshelf.  You’ll find the Bookshelf in the right hand column under My Stuff.

5.       Find the book you want to download on the list on your Bookshelf.  Use the drop down menu next to the book to choose the format you want (for Kindle you want Mobipocket/Kindle).

6.       Choose download.

7.       Choose Save File.  If given a choice, choose a place where it’s easy to find.  If not given a choice, check under “downloads” on your computer  (check in the left hand column).

8.       Now  turn your Kindle on and connect it to your computer with a USB cord.

9.       Select the Book.mobi file from wherever it’s saved on your computer (example JustAKiss.mobi)

10.   Drag it over to the Kindle icon or "Kindle" on the list on the left hand side on your computer screen.  The computer will tell you when the download is complete.

11.   Now here’s where I was getting stuck:  Double click on the Kindle on your computer (the icon or the word) to open it.  You should see the book listed there (JustAKiss.mobi, for example) and you now need to drag it up to the “documents” file on your Kindle so that you can see it and read it on your device.

12.   Now eject your Kindle from your computer and go to the Home page on your Kindle.  HINT:  if you don't see it, try turning the Kindle off and then on again.

13.   The book should be there now and you can start READING!

Oh… and here’s the Amazon video about it: http://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/display.html/ref=hp_200127470_videos?nodeId=200588130

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